Acute Confusional State

Today's Pearls:

1. Confusion & Cognitive Impairment Framework
2. Acute Confusional State: DDX & Work Up
3. Transient Global Amnesia


Drs. Schmidt & Evoh presented a patient who was otherwise in normal health when he had abrupt onset memory loss & related confusion.


Confusion & Cognitive Impairment -  A Framework:

Image result for dementia vs delirium vs infection
Borrowed from: Symptom to Diagnosis, An Evidence Based Guide. Chapter 11: 11: Delirium and Dementia -


Acute Confusional State:


Seizure, Non-Convulsive Status
Transient Global Amnesia
Dissociative Disorder
Subdural Hematoma
Anton Syndrome: When a patient with complete loss of vision confabulates due to anosognosia (pt is unaware of the deficit) 
Wernicke's Aphasia: deficit of language comprehension

The patient:

The patient had a non-focal exam. His confusion consisted of persistent difficulties with memory and recall. Other cognitive functions & ADLs were preserved.

Work up:

Neurologic examination
Cognitive evaluation
Depression screen
Medication review
Screen for sleep, & alcohol use disorders
Labs: CBC, CMP, vitamin D level, UDS, Vitamin B12 & TSH, RPR (if risk factors)
Imaging: MRI or CT WO

Borrowed from:

He eventually received the diagnosis of transient global amnesia. 


Transient Global Amnesia: 

Characterized by anterograde & retrograde amnesia which is sudden onset & self limiting (<24 H in duration). Patients typically retain other cognitive functions & do not have behavioral disturbances. 

  • Anterograde amnesia = inability to make new memories
  • Retrograde amnesia = inability to remember personal facts or general information
Patients should receive empiric treatment for Wernicke Encephalopathy with high dose thiamine.


After this case....

Dr. Schmidt asked the question whether one episode of transient global amnesia is linked to an increased incidence of cognitive impairment in the future:
"In this case cohort, population-based study, we examined the risk of cerebrovascular events, seizures, and cognitive impairment after a single episode or multiple episodes of TGA. Our results demonstrate that patients are not at a higher risk of having a cerebrovascular event, seizures, or developing cognitive impairment over the long-term after an episode of TGA." - Arena et al.

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Thanks for reading, Emma


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